Why attend?

Who Attends
The exhibition is aimed at professionals from the HVACR trade, as well as businessmen, purchasing, sales and maintenance managers, contractors, installers and all those people who are interested in renewing their equipment or simply being at the forefront of refrigeration systems or air conditioning, seeking renewable energy and being more efficient with the environment.
If you are a person who works, requires or handles Air Conditioning, Heating, Refrigeration, Ventilation, Plumbing, Construction Automation and Control equipment, Radiant Heating, Hydronic Systems, Plumbing Products, Tools, Instruments, Software, Business Support Services and much more, then you must attend the AHR EXPO-MEXICO®.
90% of visitors are decision makers or influence it.

Why Attend?
AHR EXPO-MÉXICO® is the meeting point of the industry a unique, and consolidated Event in which you will find companies, technology, machinery, innovations and the latest in energy-saving solutions within the HVACR segment.
The show has been taking place since 1997 and each year has been growing both in the number of exhibitors and visitors consolidating as the largest Event of the HVACR industry in Latin America.
Come and find the leading companies showing their products and services for your business or company. If you are looking to renovate your existing air conditioning equipment with energy-saving technology or, require products or services in the Air Conditioning, Heating, Ventilation or Refrigeration, then you should visit the AHR EXPO-MÉXICO®.
Be part of the largest HVACR Event in Latin America and discover the latest in technology and growth solutions for your business, establishing relationships with more than 350 national and international brands.
We have certified conferences given by ASHRAE, experts in the different sectors of the industry.
Visit our interactive floor plan to see the complete list of exhibitors and schedule business appointments with each of the companies of your interest, either to make proposals or to orientate yourself in the needs of your company.
Who Exhibits?
At AHR EXPO-MÉXICO®, you will find the main leaders of the industry. From the largest manufacturers to innovative start-ups, and will be gathered in the same place. Exhibitors will display and demonstrate an impressive array of the latest HVACR related products. You’ll have access to everything from complete systems designed for large commercial and industrial buildings, to labor-saving tools and value-added services that make residential contractors more profitable.
It is the leading event in the HVACR industry in Latin America.
The number of exhibitors and visitors grows by an average of 20% after each show in exhibitors and visitors.
How to locate exhibitors in the interactive Floor Plan?
New Technology Theaters
The New Technology Theaters offers visitors the opportunity to witness, free of charge, the presentation of innovative products, energy savings or new technologies.
The theater will be set up in a special area within the exhibition floor. Attendance at the presentations is free, both for exhibitors and visitors.
(Approximate duration 30 minutes each).